
10 Vitamins & Minerals that increase your Immunity


The key to living a healthy and active life is to have the right exercise routine and eat good food. Food has a huge role in keeping your internals fit. So, if you are looking to buy nutrition online, you are at the right place.

10 Vitamins & Minerals that increase your Immunity

If you are looking to buy vitamins and minerals, then ensure to get the following ones.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known for fighting against infections. It is found in carrots and leafy greens, so you must make it a part of your diet when you buy vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C

It is also known for fighting infections, but the sources here are different. It is usually found in citrus fruits like Oranges and Lemon and vitamin supplements UAE.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is amazing for strengthening your bones as well as supporting the immune system. While the sources are limited, you can find them in Tuna, Sardines, Salmon, and Orange juice if you want to buy nutrition online. You can also get it in vitamin supplements UAE.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, meaning that it can help your immune system. It can enhance the body’s internal functions by reacting with the 200 biochemicals. You can find it in vitamin supplements UAE as well as in Almonds and Sunflower seeds.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is present in the leafy greens, and it is known for providing more folate to the body. In this way, it comes with several health benefits. Apart from the vegetables, you can find them in bread as well as rice.


Zinc is a necessary mineral needed for the production of immune system cells. So, it is very important, and you can find it in meats and poultry and baked beans, yogurt, and oysters.


While probiotics help the body fight against harmful bacteria, they also help produce good bacteria resulting in the production of natural antibodies in the body. They are usually found in fermented foods.


While blood is the most important unit of your body and oxygen is necessary there, Iron helps the blood cells to carry oxygen. The good part is that it is present in many things, including several types of meat and seafood.


It is mostly found in meat and seafood as well, but it has some amazingly powerful effects on the immune system. But when you buy it while you buy nutrition online, you need to maintain balance as it can be harmful in excess.


Different fibers can help the body to stay well and strong with the help of better digestion and bowel movement. They also provide food for the good bacteria making the immune system even stronger. Some of the foods containing fiber are avocados, popcorn, beans, and broccoli.

A word from the health experts

Whenever you are buying something to eat, make sure to think of it as you are going to buy vitamins and minerals online. In this way, you will be able to keep a complete balance in your intake. Your immunity system will be better than ever this way.

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