Skin Care

Amazing Benefits of Microneedling


As you grow older and get into your 30’s, the collagen and elastin levels in your skin start to reduce significantly. The two are responsible for giving your skin a plump and healthy appearance. The lower they get, the more your skin starts to look saggy, thin, or wrinkled. The worst part is that the sun accelerates the process, and worse still, it leaves behind hyperpigmented areas or sun spots. Aging brings so many changes that may slow down cell turnover, making the skin look dull, dry, or uneven. Thankfully, with microneedling in Dayton, you can turn back the hands of time. 

Microneedling is one of the fastest procedures, yet so useful when it comes to rejuvenating and renewing skin. It has become a perfect solution for many people and comes with the following benefits:

You Get to Look Younger

One of the most significant reasons why most people turn to microneedling is its ability to restore your skin’s younger look. During the procedure, your specialist creates hundreds of tiny holes in your skin, stimulating the release of growth factors that enable collagen and elastin production. Your skin becomes softer and smoother, giving you a healthy glow. It may seem like a complicated process, but the results are excellent. You achieve a youthful look no matter how you age. You do not have to worry about wrinkles, fine lines, and tighter skin with the procedure. What is even better is that microneedling provides long-lasting results. 

Gets Rid of Scars 

Microneedling success is attributed to its ability to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. As such, it is quite effective in dealing with acne and any other scars on your skin. The results are excellent, and many people will be surprised by your new look. It is a confidence boost, and you can face your peers feeling as amazing as you look. If you have keloid or raised scars, this may not be the ideal procedure. 

Prevents the Effects of Sun Damage 

One of the best things about microneedling is its efficiency in reducing the sun damage appearance, particularly hyperpigmentation and age spots. If you have a blotchy, brownish complexion that is due to spending too many hours sunning, microneedling is the perfect procedure for you. It stimulates new collagen, and the skin cells reinvigorate your look while evening out your tone. Those spots that were a bother become almost unnoticeable.

Helps in Depositing Medication

Professionals recommend microneedling because it provides the perfect solution to deposit medication like topical tretinoin or vitamin C deeper into the skin. Once the procedure has been carried out, it comes with many benefits, including treating various issues like acne and scarring. Be patient as it may take a while before you notice any difference. Your body is essentially healing itself, so results will appear with time.  Most people have to undergo several treatments before seeing changes to their look they desire. 

Microneedling is an excellent procedure, especially for anyone who wants to achieve a youthful look. If you are planning to try it, contact the specialists at PureMD Med Spa.  

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