
Ankle Replacement Surgery


An ankle replacement surgery is the replacement of a damaged ankle joint with an artificial implant. Arthritis can affect the ankle joint and other joints in your foot. As time passes, the smooth cartilage on the surface of your bones wears off, resulting in pain, swelling, and inflammation of the ankle joint. An ankle replacement is a surgical procedure to replace the damaged joint to remove the swelling and pain. Typically, it is a procedure that requires the administration of general anesthesia. A surgeon specializing in ankle replacement in Katy will make an incision in your ankle to get to the affected joint. They will then remove the damaged parts of your talus and tibia bones and attach artificial metal joints to the remaining bone surface.

Why Do You Need an Ankle Replacement?

If you have severe arthritis, you may find ankle replacement surgery quite helpful. Severe arthritis often causes inflammation, severe pain, and stiffness which can reduce your range of motion in the joint. The most common types of ankle arthritis are:

  • Osteoarthritis, which is common in adults
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease affecting joints throughout your body
  • Arthritis that may result from a previous injury to the joint

Your doctor may recommend alternative treatments if you have mild or moderate arthritis. The treatments include pain medications, foot inserts, and special shoes. If you have a severe form of arthritis that makes it difficult to handle daily activities, your doctor may recommend an ankle replacement.


Ankle replacement surgeries have a very high success rate, but that does not mean they don’t have risks. Below are some of the most common risks associated with ankle replacement surgeries:

  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Improper connection of bones
  • Misaligned bones
  • New arthritis in neighboring bones
  • Loosening of artificial attachments

The risk of developing complications after the surgery may vary depending on age and the presence of underlying medical conditions. If you have a poorly managed form of diabetes, the chances also increase. If you have any concerns, you can talk to your doctor to understand the risks relevant to your case and how you can manage them.

How to Prepare for an Ankle Replacement

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on how you should prepare for the surgery. They may recommend that you stop taking particular medications a few days before the surgery. If you smoke, try to avoid tobacco before the procedure. Tell your surgeon about any medicines you take or changes in your wellbeing, such as a recent fever. You may need different tests such as X-rays or CT scans before the surgery. You should also arrange for someone to pick you from the hospital since you won’t be able to drive after the procedure.

In summary, an ankle replacement surgery is a procedure to replace a damaged ankle joint with an artificial implant. You may need it if you have severe arthritis that causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation, making it hard to walk. Common risks associated with an ankle replacement surgery include infection, nerve damage, and misaligned bones. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the surgery.

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