
Board-Certified Dental Implants Specialist in California


Teeth go a long way in maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile.  However, you may lose one or multiple teeth due to tooth decay, illness, or traumatic injury. If this is the case, you may think that dentures are the only replacement option, but this is far from the truth.  Today, dental implants offer a more robust and more permanent solution with lots of benefits, such as hassle-free care and ultimate comfort. At Sunshine Dental Inc., Dr. Phillip Chien, DDS, and his team are well experienced in restoring men and women’s smiles with dental implants.

What are dental implants?

These are surgically implanted synthetic titanium tooth roots that are placed on your jawbone. Dental implants can help restore one or all your teeth, or assist in installing dentures and dental bridges. Over time, the roots fuse permanently to the underlying bone. The doctor will then attach an artificial crown tooth that looks just like the natural tooth.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Dental implants feel and appear natural, which works as a great way of substituting your missing tooth. Dental implants can also replace several missing teeth or even a full set of teeth.  Unlike full or partial dentures, dental implants do not slip. Dental implants also serve as an excellent option if you are not satisfied with the current dental bridge’s feel or fit.  Other benefits of dental implants include giving you a lovely look and smile that reinstates your confidence, they do not negatively affect your eating or speech, and they are easy to maintain oral hygiene as you clean them just like your natural teeth.

How do you care for your dental implants?

Just like your permanent teeth, your dental implants require regular maintenance. Taking care of your dental implants is pretty straightforward. You only need to brush and floss the dental implants like you would on your natural teeth. You should also visit your dental provider every six months for a professional cleaning and exam. The team at Sunshine Dental Inc. offers a wide variety of implant dentistry services, including autogenous bone grafting, sinus lift augmentation, implant site development, and computer-enhanced treatment planning to help you get the smile of your dreams. 

What occurs during a dental implant procedure?

During a dental implant at Sunshine Dental, Dr. Chien and the team will install the implant in various stages. During the implantation, they will numb the area receiving the tooth. The highly-experienced team will then cut into your gums and install the artificial root in your jawbone. You will then wait for the implant to fuse to your jawbone, a process that takes 3 to 4 months. After the jaw heals, the doctor will confirm the implant’s stability and then attaches a temporary crown over the implant.  He will send an impression of your smile to the lab to have a permanent crown made, which he will place over the implant at a later appointment. 

Getting dental implants takes a bit of time, but the rewards are worth it. Sunshine Dental Inc. is a leading dental treatment center focused on providing you with the best individualized dental implant services. If you live in or around Temecula, CA, call or schedule a tooth implant appointment to have your smile restored.

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