
How To Lower Your Calcium Score For Heart Health: Tips And Tricks

Variety of fresh raw organic fruits and vegetables in light brown containers sitting on bright blue wooden background

Calcium heart scores, which are derived from coronary calcium scanning, are a crucial metric in assessing your heart disease risk. This score reflects how much calcified material is in your coronary arteries. A high score indicates a greater likelihood of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks. Despite the fact that some factors like age and genes are uncontrollable, lifestyle changes will help to improve your heart health and lower your calcium heart score. Here are a couple of effective strategies.

Adopt A Heart-Healthy Diet

You can lower your calcium level by improving your diet. Consume foods that promote cardiovascular health.

  1. Vegetables and Fruits: They are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Try to eat at least 5 servings per day.
  2. Grains: Foods like brown rice, oats, or whole wheat bread may help reduce cholesterol.
  3. Lean protein: Include chicken, beans, and lentils. Fish, particularly fatty ones like salmon or mackerel, contain omega-3 fats, which are good for the heart.
  4. Healthy Fats: Use olive oil and avocados. Nuts also contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils.
  5. Limit Sugars: Reduce the consumption of processed foods rich in sugars and salts to reduce hypertension.
  6. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity promotes heart health. Exercise maintains a healthy weight and improves cholesterol levels.

  • Aerobic Activity: Exercise at least 150 mins per week at a moderate intensity, like brisk cycling, walking, or swimming.
  • Exercises for Muscle Strength: At least twice a week, include muscle-strengthening exercises.
  • Balance and Flexibility Exercises: Incorporate yoga or stretch routines to improve overall fitness.
  • Maintain A Healthy Weight

Obesity and excess weight may raise your risk of cardiovascular disease. Even losing a little weight can have an impact on your cardiovascular health.

  • Set Realistic Targets: Aim to lose between 1-2 pounds per week.
  • Monitoring Your Progress: Keep track of your weight, eating habits, and levels of activity.
  • Seek Guidance from Professionals: You may want to consider working with a professional nutritionist or trainer.
  • How To Quit Smoking

Smoking poses a significant risk of heart disease. Quitting can quickly improve cardiovascular health.

  • Find Support: Try support groups, smoking cessation programs, or counseling services.
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Try patches, gum, and lozenges to help ease withdrawal symptoms.
  • Medications: Talk to your doctor regarding prescription medications that may help you quit.
  • Manage Stress

Prolonged stress might be detrimental to your heart. Reduce stress by using techniques to reduce your calcium heart score.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Practices including meditation, deep breath exercises, and mindfulness reduce stress levels.
  • Physical activity: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress.
  • Adequate Night Sleep: Make sure to get 7 – 9 hours of quality rest per night. It will help you manage stress.
  • Monitor And Control Your Blood Pressure

High blood tension can cause the accumulation of calcium in arteries. Maintaining your blood pressure is essential.

  • Regular Monitor: Measure your blood pressure regularly either at home with a monitor or with a doctor.
  • Medicine: Follow the instructions on your prescription for blood pressure medication.
  • Eat Right and Exercise: Follow the dietary advice and exercise regularly for a natural reduction in blood pressure.
  • Control Cholesterol Level

High LDL cholesterol concentrations can contribute to plaque formation. Low calcium heart scores are achieved by managing your cholesterol.

  • Diet: Eat foods high in fiber and healthy fats. Avoid trans fats. Limit saturated fats.
  • Medication: Take any cholesterol-lowering medications prescribed by your doctor.
  • Regular check-ups: Have your cholesterol level checked regularly to track your progress.
  • Limit Alcohol Intake

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood p pressure and lead to heart disease. Moderation is essential.

  • Recommended limits: Adhere to the recommended guidelines. Up to one drink for women per day, and up to 2 drinks for men per day.
  • Choose Wisely: Avoid excessive drinking and opt for beverages with a lower alcohol content.
  • Be Proactive And Informed

Understanding your heart’s health is key.

  • Regular Screenings: Have regular checkups with your health care provider to monitor the heart score and calcium level.
  • Stay in the Know: Be informed of new heart-healthy research and recommendations.


Lowing your calcium scores involves a variety of factors, including dietary modifications, regular physical exercise, weight control, quitting the smoking habit, managing stress, and monitoring and controlling blood cholesterol and pressure. With these lifestyle modifications, you can dramatically improve your heart health. Consult your physician before making any changes that may affect your health.

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