
Looking for Sleeping Solutions?


We usually look forward to having a perfect night, and good sleeping patterns are essential. However, we can hardly overlook the fact that most of us tend to snore from time to time. While some people will have no problem with that, you should consider getting help from Melville Snoring Solutions.

A visit to the dentist will often be worth your time. It assures you of access to some of the most reliable solutions at your disposal. Often, you will need to understand the following elements and services, and comprehensively so.

What causes snoring?

Do not feel ashamed of snoring; you are not the only one. Usually, it happens once air flows through your throat when sleeping, which results in soft tissues vibrating and causing the noise. Undoubtedly, snoring is relatively uncomfortable, especially to someone sleeping next to you.

Ideally, this problem results from sleep apnea, obesity, and sleep deprivation. While you could easily handle sleep deprivation and obesity on your own, you will need experts to handle sleep apnea.

Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a relatively complicated problem, and its diagnosis is no different. Often, the experts will rely on nocturnal polysomnography as a way to establish the problem. It involves the monitoring of your heart, brain activities, breathing patterns, and lungs. They could also consider home tests where the focus would be on the blood oxygen levels and airflow.

It is through this examination that an expert will establish whether you need ENT doctors or a neurologist. The former comes in handy if you have obstructive sleep apnea, while the latter will be suitable for central sleep apnea.

Types of sleep apnea

Understandably, while we have already mentioned types of sleep apnea, most people will hardly distinguish them. Usually, there are up to three distinct types of this condition. They include Central Sleep apnea, Mixed Sleep apnea, and Obstructive Sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea happens when the brain fails to signal the various essential muscles to breathe. Resulting in hardly any muscular effort to breathe accordingly. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the brain sends signals to the muscles, but they are unsuccessful even after making an effort—this obstruction results from the obstruction of the airway. On the other hand, mixed sleep apnea tends to highlight a blend of the two characteristics.

Symptoms of sleep apnea

  • Enhanced irritability at all times
  • An increase in fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and the need for frequent naps during the day
  • A compromised memory as well as lower attention levels
  • Changes in your moods and personality, including instances of depression and even anxiety
  • Too many headaches and confusion
  • Instances of sexual dysfunction

A perfect sleep will always be the source of happiness, relaxation, and enhanced health. Unless you take time to address any of these problems, it will be hard to enjoy life. However, there is no cause for alarm once you witness any of the symptoms, such would be the time to call Chase Dental Sleepcare.




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