
Modern Medications to Deal With Arthritis


A large population of people struggles with the pain and discomfort caused by arthritis resulting in deformity. Fortunately, your Fredericksburg Arthritis expert uses innovative and effective treatment approaches to ease your pain and discomfort. You can benefit from a combination of many or just one medicine that will help you deal with your arthritis.

Why is arthritis such a painful experience

Arthritis refers to a general term for describing numerous illnesses affecting joints resulting in joint pain. There are two common types of arthritis, namely:

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis occurs due to the wearing down of the protective tissue known as the cartilage in your joints. Cartilage offers a cushioning for your bones to move against each other without friction. The erosion of the cartilage exposes the ends of your bones, causing friction as they slide, resulting in inflammation, swelling, and excruciating pain. Although this type of arthritis is common among older people, it does not mean the younger generation cannot develop it.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

As opposed to osteoarthritis that develops because of erosion, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder. Rheumatoid arthritis develops when your body mistakes healthy cells for foreign bodies and your immune system attacks the very cells it is supposed to protect. This form of arthritis is associated with swelling and inflammation caused by the autoimmune process that erodes your synovial lining resulting in pain and deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is not associated with the aging process as it can develop in the younger population. This type of arthritis can affect any joint, and you might need your doctor for quick relief.

What signs and symptoms should you look out for when determining arthritis?

The symptoms are unique to each form of arthritis, but joint pain is a common symptom in all types of arthritis. This pain is usually persistent and deteriorates with a change in barometric pressure, a common reason people with the problem can predict rain. Your joints may swell, throb, or feel hot in the early stages, and as the condition worsens, your joints may start bending, twisting, and looking lumpy.  Your grip on objects may also weaken and tasks such as opening jar lids may become a problem.

What treatment options can help alleviate arthritis?

Currently, there is no cure for arthritis, but there are medications that can help you prevent progression. Dr.  Sen offers a variety of exciting and effective treatments for arthritis. To manage the symptoms, you may be required to adjust your lifestyle, such as having plenty of rest, exercising, and the most powerful of them all adopting a nutritious diet. Common treatments for arthritis involve taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dr. Sen has come up with various treatment approaches for preventing the progression of arthritis. Some of them include:

  • Medical management
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Radiofrequency ablations
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Steroid injections

Have a different experience with arthritis when you talk to Dr. Sen, who has many years of experience diagnosing and treating the issue. Start your journey to comfort by calling or booking a spot via the website.

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