
Tattoo Removal: Benefits of Using Laser Treatment


As much as tattoos are amazing, there comes a time when you want to make a change in your personal life and want to get rid of the tattoos. Maybe they are interfering with your profession, romantic or personal life. In this case, it poses a substantial problem as they are designed to be resilient. SkinDC tattoo removal specialists say that the ink pigment particles entrenched deep into your skin are so large that the body can’t naturally remove them. Therefore, you need a reliable process that can break down the particles to remove the tattoo. 

Why Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser Tattoo removal is a convenient way of getting rid of tattoos. This process has minimal damage to your skin and is very reliable as it doesn’t have undesirable side effects like other traditional methods.

Laser treatment uses a high-powered laser that penetrates your skin. The light harmlessly passes through your skin and forces the pigment particles to start vibrating, creating heat, making them break down into smaller particles. The particles can be removed from your skin using the lymphatic system. 

Every laser treatment significantly varies depending on how large the tattoo is. It can take 20 minutes to complete the process or an hour for every treatment site.  Results of this treatment are gradual, meaning the tattoos fade with each appointment and over time as your body eliminates the broken-down particles. The specialist administers anesthesia to help with the pain during the treatment.  

What Are the Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal?

There are many advantages of using laser treatment as opposed to other traditional methods. The benefits include:

  • No scarring – the laser light doesn’t interfere with your skin cells. Therefore, there is a lower chance of scarring, resulting in the effective removal of your tattoos. 
  • Effective removal and fading of tattoos – laser removal diminishes how your tattoos appear and don’t make the surface undesirable. 
  • Minimal recovery – there is a need to protect the skin from UV rays for a couple of days. You may experience a small amount of tenderness and redness but they will subside in a few days after the treatment. 
  • Removes entire and specific tattoos – the laser removes the entire tattoo or a specific portion as you desire. 
  • Safety – laser treatment is a safer way to get rid of your tattoos. There is a low risk of infection and there are fewer undesirable side effects afterward. You are comfortable during the treatment.

Should You Choose Laser Tattoo Removal?

The laser treatment is an advanced form of tattoo removal that is more preferable to other traditional methods. It’s best to sit down with the dermatologist and get a thorough evaluation of your tattoos and the undesirable ink. The specialist will advise you on the best solution that will take care of your tattoos quickly and efficiently.

Aftercare Treatment After Tattoo Removal

Following laser treatment, it’s important that you minimize any risks of complications. Keep your skin clean. Wash your skin appropriately and regularly for the next few days after the procedure. You can use petrolatum ointment to help your skin heal. The treated area should be covered using a sterile bandage for a week after every session. 


You can get rid of your tattoos using lasers. The dermatologist will use the safest and most convenient treatment to remove the ink. It takes time to remove all the ink pigments. Therefore, you may need more sessions or one session depending on how large your tattoos are. Contact a dermatologist for consultation on your tattoo removal.

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