
The Do’s and Don’ts after Tooth Extraction


Tooth extraction is the total removal of a tooth and consequently separating the tooth from the jawbone. The main reasons why a dentist in Boynton Beach may recommend extraction include extensive tooth decay, injury, and infections. Removal of your tooth prevents the spread of infection from the mouth to other parts of the body. Removal of a tooth can also be done to correct the crowding of teeth.

How a tooth extraction is carried out

Suitability procedures like examination of the tooth are carried out before your doctor can determine whether to extract a tooth. If tooth extraction is the best option for you, your dentist will proceed to inject a local anesthetic to numb the area which holds the tooth in the jaw bone.

Children usually are given stronger doses of anesthetic for them to fall asleep during the procedure. Your dentist will then proceed to rock the tooth using an elevator. The tooth is then plucked up using a pair of forceps.

What are some of the best practices to observe when it comes to caring for your mouth after a tooth extraction?

Proper hygiene and adherence to instructions

Different people take a varying amount of time to heal after having a tooth extraction surgery. Normally, it takes an average of 7 to 10 days to heal completely after the operation. The most common instruction your dentist will issue is keeping the blood clot in the socket. After tooth extraction, you will be advised to observe the following to measures and precautions to bring about restorative healing:

  • Taking painkillers regularly as instructed
  • Keeping the gauze pad in place for about three hours after surgery
  • Proper application of an ice bag on the operated area immediately after the surgery
  • Proper rest
  • Avoid hard food, spitting, and dislodging the clot by using your tongue
  • After 24 hours, you can now rinse your mouth with a salt solution
  • Avoid smoking
  • Ensure to sleep with your head facing up
  • When you resume brushing your teeth, you should do it with caution.

Eat only soft foods in the initial days

After the tooth extraction, you should take soft foods and lots of liquids for at least three days. Some of these foods include:

  • Soup
  • Yogurt
  • Pudding

The food should be taken with a spoon with proper caution not to hurt the operated parts. Solid food can then be incorporated into the diet after a few days of healing.

Use the recommended antibiotics and painkiller to manage swelling and infections

Tooth extraction is usually accompanied by side effects such as swelling, soreness, and pain. Thus, you need to use an antibiotic. The antibiotic and painkiller used should have the right dosage and must be prescribed by the dentist. In case the discomfort persists, visit your dentist for re-examination and treatment.

After the healing period lapses, you will be able to chew hard food. After complete healing happens, a new bone and gum will grow on the extraction site. Visit your professional dentist for a regular checkup of your teeth.

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