
Uses and Possible Risks of Botulinum Toxin Injections


Aging is a natural process that may come along with undesirable effects, such as facial wrinkles. While you cannot stop the aging process, medical treatments, including Botox in Oakbrook Terrace, may help minimize form lines and improve your skin’s appearance. Besides its aesthetic effects, botulinum toxin injections can improve certain conditions such as neck spasms, overactive bladder, excessive sweating, and lazy eye. Botox injections inhibit the release of a specific chemical – acetylcholine which is responsible for temporary chemical denervation that results in muscle movements.

How do you prepare for botox injections?

Like any other treatment, a consultation with your doctor should be the first step if you consider getting botulinum toxin injections. It is recommended that you work with a qualified doctor as this treatment method can be dangerous if administered incorrectly. During the consultation:

  • You should provide your healthcare provider with a list of medications and dietary supplements that you may be taking. This is because certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cause blood thinning and may increase your risk of bleeding and result in non-desirable results. You may therefore need to discontinue these medications at least a week before your next appointment.
  • Your specialist may also advise that you avoid taking alcohol or alcoholic products at least 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Let your doctor know if you have had any botulinum injections in the past, especially within the previous four months. You should also inform your specialist if you use any allergy medications, anti-depressants, and muscle relaxants.

While this type of treatment is relatively safe, your specialist may advise against botox injections if you have weak facial muscles, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or suffer from neuromuscular disease.

Risks associated with botulinum toxin injections

When performed by a specialist, botox injections are generally safe and cause no severe side effects. Most patients have reported temporary side effects that improve after a day or two. For example:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Tenderness, swelling, and redness in the treated area
  • Excessive tearing or eye dryness
  • Headache
  • Neck pain
  • Stomach upset

What to expect during treatment

Your doctor may use local or regional anesthesia to numb the treatment area, especially if you are being treated for excessive sweating. Next, your doctor will direct a fine needle through your skin to inject small amounts of botulinum toxins. The number of injections may vary for different patients depending on one’s medical condition. Most patients report a sudden sting during the procedure that fades away immediately after treatment.  One advantage of botulinum injections is that it is performed as an outpatient procedure, and you require no downtime.

Your specialist may advise against rubbing the treated areas to prevent toxins from spreading to other parts of your body. You may notice slight results two to three days after treatment. The effects may last for three months or longer depending on the condition being treated. Your doctor may recommend follow-up and subsequent injections to maintain the effect.

Do not let the aging signs tamper with your self-image. Visit your specialist at Wrinkle Fairy for botox injections to achieve beautiful and younger-looking skin.

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