Sparkling white teeth attracts everyone. It makes your natural smile beautiful, giving you confidence in addressing people. But when your teeth become yellow or discolored, your self-esteem goes down. Dr. Alicia Schraner in Yonkers can help get your bright smile back.
Why It Is Essential to Visit a Dentist Regularly
You should go for a routine check-up every six months. By doing this, you will prevent oral diseases and other problems from going unnoticed for too long. Your doctor will take an evaluation of your teeth and mouth and advise on how to maintain healthy teeth. Going for routine cleaning and cavity repair is also essential to your teeth. Your doctor and her team of specialists offer different services to keep your teeth healthy. These services include:
- Crowns and bridges
- Dental implants
- Family dentistry
- Tooth extraction
- Veneers
- Root canals
- Periodontal treatments
- Mouthguards
- Invisalign
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Dental cleaning
- Whitening
Need For a Personalized Dentist
Your doctor will give you ways to preserve your natural beauty and oral health. She will be able to identify any arising issues and address them immediately. Your doctor will commit to helping you maximize your dental health and keep your natural teeth.
What to Expect in the Clinic
Your doctor will examine you for any existing condition. She will also take you through the clinic’s different services and advise you on the best treatment. It is important for you to check on your insurance coverage and limits before you embark on your treatment.
Veneers Procedure
You will consult with your doctor to know whether this is the best procedure for you.
The First Step
Your doctor will do some X-rays and impressions. She will also discuss with you your goals with the new set of veneers. Your dentist will then create a collection of images, which she will use to show you the planned outcome.
The Second Step
Your doctor will remove a small bit of enamel from each tooth to create a space for the veneer to adhere to without affecting your bite. With your enamel layer removed, your doctor will create a putty mold. After the mold hardens, your doctor will take it to a laboratory for veneer creation.
As you wait for the laboratory to create the permanent veneers, your doctor will make temporary veneers to protect your teeth while waiting for the permanent veneers to be placed.
When the permanent veneers are ready, your doctor will apply an acidic gel that dissolves minerals on the surface of each tooth to provide a rough surface for the veneer to stick to solidly.
Your dentist will then cement the veneer in place with a special light to speed the hardening process. After the porcelain veneers are ready, your doctor will bond them to your teeth in minutes.
You might temporarily feel a slight sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink because of the removed enamel beneath the veneers themselves.
For more detailed information on maintaining healthy teeth and your naturally beautiful smile, make a call or book an appointment online with your Yonkers Dental Arts specialist.