
What Is the Cause of Your Elbow Pain? – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment


Severe elbow pain can be debilitating. The La Jolla, CA, orthopedic shoulder and elbow surgeons of Synergy Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group recommend that you seek medical assistance should you experience elbow pain that persists for more than a few days.

You may have bumped the back of your elbow against something at some point. Although the pain was instant and numbing, it probably went away on its own. Unlike this mild discomfort, severe elbow injuries can cause weakness, swelling, numbness, and reduced range of motion.

People who engage in strenuous activities or sports stand a high risk of injuring their elbows. In this post, we look at everything you need to know about elbow pain.

 Common Causes of Elbow Pain

The elbow is a complex joint. It is involved in lifting, throwing, swinging, or carrying objects. As such, it tends to get injured through overuse and repetitive wrist, hand, or arm movements. On occasion, it may result from arthritis.

Typical causes of elbow pain include:

  • Broken arm, dislocated elbow, or throwing injuries
  • Bursitis or joint inflammation
  • Golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow
  • Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sprains, stress fractures, or trapped nerves
  • Tendinitis

Your treatment plan for elbow pain will depend on the type of injury that caused it.

 Types of Elbow Disorders

There are currently at least seven types of elbow disorders which include:

  1. Golfer’s Elbow

Also called medial epicondylitis, this disorder affects your elbow’s inner tendons. It is commonly caused by the repetitive downward throwing motion common in baseball and golf. Workers who swing a hammer frequently may also develop Golfer’s elbow.

The common symptoms of this elbow disorder include pain during wrist movements and pain inside the elbow.

  • Bursitis

Commonly called the student’s elbow or miner’s elbow. It affects the small fluid sacs that protect your pointy joint of your elbow.

Bursitis could result from an infection, arthritis, a blow to the elbow, or prolonged pressure to the elbow from leaning on it. It may present as swelling, redness, pain, or decreased range of motion.

  • Osteoarthritis

This condition causes the wear and tear of elbow tissues. It may result from an elbow injury and could cause symptoms such as:

  • Intense pain and swelling
  • A locking sensation in the elbow
  • Trouble bending the elbow
  • A grating sound when moving the elbow
  1. Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is also called lateral epicondylitis. It typically affects the tendons on the outside of your elbow and commonly affects painters, cooks, carpenters, and plumbers. If you develop tennis elbow, you may have trouble gripping objects and experience pain along the outside of your elbow.

Other Disorders

Any elbow injury that ends in dislocation, fracture, ligament strains, or sprains can cause elbow pain. When this happens, you may experience swelling, pain, discoloration, and an inability to move your elbow.

 Elbow Pain Treatment

Your doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen based on the nature and severity of your symptom. Typical treatment options for elbow disorders include:

  • Immobilization and rest
  • Heat and ice treatment
  • Physical therapy
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Steroid injections

 Preventing Elbow Pain

Along with medical treatment, you can perform several activities to help you manage your elbow pain. Experts recommend that you;

  • Exercise your elbows regularly to strengthen your muscles
  • Use proper sports techniques and equipment with the right grip
  • Warm-up and stretch properly before any strenuous activity
  • It would help if you also take regular breaks in between repetitive tasks.

Wrapping Up

Don’t let elbow pain disrupt your daily schedule. With proper medical care, you can beat the symptoms of elbow pain and regain the proper use of your arm.

Feel free to talk to Kristopher Downing, MD, and Daniel Brereton, DO, of Synergy Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group about a personalized treatment plan for your elbow injury.



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